The National Human Resources Development Institute (NHI) has been conducting the Executive Development Programs (EDP) for a total of 1,784 Malaysian civil servants in 89 batches since 1984, in response to Malaysia’s Look East Policy (LEP) which initiated in 1982 by former Prime Minister Mohamad Mahathir. These programs aim to nurture core talents who will lead the successful implementation of Malaysia’s current issues as well as to initiate and implement the development strategies, eventually to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperative partnerships between Korea, Malaysia through the sharing of national development experiences, case studies and discussions on collaborative development.In 2011, Malaysia’s COTI / NHI EDP alumni voluntarily formed an alumni association. Alumni members are actively sharing their lesson-learnt points from the program to their organization and participate in monthly CSR activities, serving as a exemplary social model of good practice. Also, the Alumni Association has been organizing Korea-Malaysia seminars annually in Malaysia by the sponsorship of the NHI and the Korea Embassy to share the best development strategies for both countries.