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No. Title Date File Hit
104 The 92nd Executive Development Program (... 2024-11-28 글로벌교육과 247
103 The National Human Resources Development... 2024-11-28 글로벌교육과 113
102 The NHI Welcomed Representatives from th... 2024-06-12 관리자 192
101 The NHI kicked off Human Resources Manag... 2024-04-24 관리자 169
100 NHI Highlights 34th Edition Just Release... 2024-04-18 관리자 176
99 Thank you for Your Service Mr. Kim Kye-J... 2024-01-08 관리자 184
98 NHI Successfully Hosts "Competency Devel... 2024-01-03 관리자 189
97 Season's Greeting from the NHI 2024-01-03 관리자 132
96 NHI and NAPA Forge Ahead in Collaborativ... 2023-12-21 관리자 146
95 The Bedrock of Korea-Malaysia Friendship... 2023-12-07 관리자 163
94 The NHI's to Program with Mongolian Gove... 2023-12-07 관리자 153
93 NHI-HCMNAP Bilateral Partnership to Lay... 2023-12-07 관리자 145
92 President Kim Chae-Hwan's Welcoming Addr... 2023-12-07 관리자 144
91 President Kim Chae-Hwan's Welcoming Rema... 2023-12-07 관리자 132
90 Highlights from the Global Public HR Con... 2023-12-05 관리자 152
89 NHI-NAPA Partnership to Underpin the Fut... 2023-12-05 관리자 129
88 The NHI's Participation in the EROPA 68t... 2023-12-05 관리자 127
87 KOICA Sponsored Program for Public Serva... 2023-12-05 관리자 139
86 MOIS’s Building Better Governance Just R... 2023-07-04 관리자 176
85 2023 EROPA CONFERENCE IN VIETNAM 2023-07-03 관리자 165
84 NHI Highlights 33rd Edition Just Release... 2023-06-30 관리자 202
83 NHI Discusses Future Agendas for Coopera... 2023-05-19 관리자 210
82 NHI-NAVER Discussion for 2023 Global Pub... 2023-05-19 관리자 182
81 The Overseas Training Experiential Semin... 2023-05-19 관리자 179
80 NHI Global Team Discusses Prospective Ar... 2023-03-24 관리자 212
79 New Director-General of Global Education... 2023-03-22 관리자 211
78 NHI’s Discussion with Indonesian Cross-M... 2023-03-16 관리자 202
77 President SHIN Young Sook’s Remarks at t... 2023-03-08 관리자 234
76 NHI Invites Foreign Diplomats in Korea t... 2023-03-06 관리자 233
75 NHI's Discussion with NAOG, Mongolia on ... 2023-03-06 관리자 218
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