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New G5 Officials Program
(Open / Career Recruits)


Eligible participants: Recruits who have passed the Open Competitive Examination for entry-level managerial positions, grade 5, (O/R) or the Recruitment Examination for experienced personnel from the private sector for grade 5 (C/R)..

Duration: 17 weeks (May 12-Sept 2) for Open Recruits (O/R); Nine weeks (Feb 14-Apr 15) for Career Recruits (C/R)

Number of participants: 350 Open Recruits and 60 Career Recruits


• This program aims to internalize public service values required of new G5 recruits and foster proper attitude as public servants.

• This program is also designed to acquire knowledge and skills required when executing duties as policymakers and improve policy-planning capabilities for problem-solving.

• This program helps establish a self-development plan based on the understanding of the competencies needed to perform the role as mid-level managers, as well as cultivate leadership abilities for internal and external communication and cooperation between different ministries and agencies.

Focus of the Programs

• This program focuses on understanding governing philosophy and policy tasks, internalization of public service values, and the establishment of public service attitudes..

• This program also places an emphasis on enhancing job-specific policy planning capabilities and acquiring administrative duties and knowledge.

• It also aims to foster the leadership skills required of mid-level managers who engage in communication with officials from diverse ranks and various other institutions and the understanding of future policy environment.
