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International Cooperation HOME > GLOBAL COOPERATION

Network with International Organizations

Committed to promoting international exchange and cooperation, NHI endeavors to build a global network and to share the Korean models of public administration. Its activities include hosting and participating in international events (e.g., Global Public HR Conference, EROPA) providing consulting services for education and training institutions in developing countries and hosting seminars for foreign public officials who complete an NHI course.

Partner Institutions with MOUs

insttmap INSP(The National Institute of Public Service) RANEPA(Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration) ACSH(Regional Hub of Civil Service in Astana) APA(Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan) CAG(Chinese Academy of Governance of the People's Republic of China) FAHR(Federal Authority for Government Human Resources) HCMA(Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics) MCS(The Ministry of Civil Service of Kingdom of Cambodia) CSC(Civil Service College, Singapore) NIPA(National Institute of Public Administration of the Republic of Indonesia) OPM(Office of Personnel Management) ESAP(Escuela Superior de Administracion Publica) NTA(National Training Academy) IPA (The Institute of Public Administration of the Republic of Bulgaria)

NO Country Organization / Institution
1 Australia ANZSOG, Australia and New Zealand School of Government
2 Bulgaria IPA, The Institute of Public Administration
3 Cambodia MCS, The Ministry of Civil Service of Kingdom of Cambodia
4 China CNAG, China National Academy of Governance
5 Colombia ESAP, Escuela Superior de Administracion Publica
6 Egypt NTA, National Training Academy
7 France INSP, Institut National du Service Public
8 Indonesia NIPA, National Institute of Public Administration
9 Kazakhstan APA, Academy of Public Administration
ACSH, Astana Civil Service Hub
10 Kyrgyz Republic APAPKR, The Academy of Public Administration under the President
of the Kyrgyz Republic
11 New Zealand ANZSOG, Australia and New Zealand School of Government
12 Mongolia NAOG, The National Governance Academy of Mongolia
13 Russia RANEPA, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and
Public Administration
KFU, Kazan Federal University
14 Singapore CSC, Civil Service College
15 SouthAfrica NSG, National School of Government
16 Turkiye ANKARA University
17 UAE FAHR, Federal Authority for Government Human Resources
18 UK CSC UK, Civil Service College
19 US OPM, Office of Personnel Management
/ FEI, Federal Executive Institute
20 Uzbekistan APA, Academy of Public Administration
ARGOS, The Agency for the Development of Public Service
21 Vietnam HCMA, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
NAPA, The National Academy of Public Administration