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Senior Executive Program (SEP)


Eligible participants: Director-General level officials from the central and provincial government agencies and executive-level officers from public institutions

Duration: 45 weeks (Feb 1 – Dec 8), one session per year

Number of participants: 65


• The Senior Executive Program (SEP) aims to equip leaders in state affairs with insight and expertise.

• The SEP also seeks to enable participants to do the following:
    - understand and gain an appreciation of the governing philosophy and policy directions, and contemplate public service values
    - identify policy issues in the areas of the economy, society, andscience & technology, and discuss policy alternatives
    - cultivate inter-agency collaboration capability and take the lead in communication, organizational change, and innovation
    - enhance comprehensive policy competencies through global competitiveness and knowledge of the humanities


Senior Civil Service Candidates Program


Eligible participants: Grade 4 or higher, division director-level officials

Duration: 4 days (16 sessions a year)
* Mar 23-26, May 25-28, July 20-23, Nov 9-12

Number of participants: 320 officials(20 per session)


• This program aims to raise awareness on the competencies required of senior civil servants.

• This program is also designed to foster Senior Civil Service candidates with core capabilities by providing them with opportunities for self-reflection and self-directed competency development.

Focus of the Program

• This program focuses on recognition of participants’ competency levels through pre- and post competency diagnoses and support for the establishment of a self-initiated competency development plan.

• This program also emphases enhancing the core competences required of senior civil servantlevel officials through simulation practice sessions based on real work situations and feedback via reciprocal peer observation.
